
Flowery Run

6 January 2014

After a wet start to the game drive this morning, all our luck turned…

After a quick tracking session and teamwork we located the Naledi male lion, which was hiding in the wet grass.  Lucky for us he got up, something this old guy can’t be bothered doing to often, and we could follow him for a while.

The highlight for me and my guests was the Wild dogs we found not far from the lodge.  This pack has been hanging around the lodges close to us for a few days now but keeping track of them through all the rocks proved challenging.  As we got to them they were in an open area full of white flowers called “String of Stars”.  There were great interaction between the dogs and a heard of Zebras, the Zebras did the chasing.

Dog Flower





Happy New Year


Tuningi Newsletter December 2013