
Newsletter January 2016

29 January 2016

A warm and rainy welcome is what we received for the start of 2016.

We have had some great sightings as usual but the rain made the bush a tad quiet at times. The wonderful thing about rain is that it brings life back into the wild. The bush is green, all the little creatures that were missing in the dry winter are back and with so many babies!


There are so many little reptiles coming back. It is great to see the leopard tortoises back; they always bring a smile to everyone. Cornelius had the perfect photo opportunity with this little guy.

Small Slow

I am sure everyone wants to know how it is going with our little Lion cubs and Wild Dog pups. Well they are all just fine and very healthy. We have seen very little of the Dogs as they have been exploring the park with the pups. The Lion cubs are doing great and mom Matlapa is doing a fantastic job. The 3 boys are getting bigger and braver each day.

Her sister has also had cubs. They are a week old and she is still hiding them from us.

Matlapa Cubs

The Leopards have treated us well. Tsala and Samson even had a kill each less than 500 meters away from each other. There is also news that Monje, a beautiful young male from the east has been spotted in our area. All in all, the leopards are doing very well.

Lazy Samson



With the rain come the greenery and the beautiful flowers. We have had all the Lillie’s flower over the past month, the grass is growing and all the trees are also flowering.

Lilly Yellow

We hope to see all of you soon. The drinks are on ice and the animals are waiting.

Kind bush regards,

Jacques and the T-team




February 2016 Newsletter