Wild Dogs… 1 Wildebeest… 0
Hello all you Tuningi Fans…
Well this morning was fresh after the 30mm of rain that has fallen over the last 2 days, and the bush is growing so fast at the moment, that you can actually hear it!!
The impala and wildebeest have started giving birth to their calves, and the bush is coming alive with new life. We will post some pics of the new borns shortly, but firstly, I must share with you what we experienced this morning……
it was a pretty quiet morning all around, as it was very difficult to locate tracks of anything worth following, as the rain had made the ground extremely hard, so we had to be happy with the odd elephant and buffalo sighting among the hoards of general game. Until we stopped for our coffee break that is…..
I had just finished a pot of coffee, when a wild dog came racing past our vehicle after a young wildebeest at full tilt, when I shouted to my guests to jump in the land cruiser, so that we can follow the action. And action it was as when we arrived they were busy anchoring the sub-adult wildebeest by the nose while the other pack members were starting to rip at the inner thighs with their razor-like teeth.
The tensions were high on the vehicle with the emotions running high once again, but this is life on the african savannahs, as the Painted Wolves once again treated our guests to a once in a lifetime sighting.